General information about company

Name of The CompanyDelta Corp Limited
BSE Scrip Code532848
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2023
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2024
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2023
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2023
Level of rounding to be used in disclosing related party transactionsCrores
Whether the company has any related party?Yes
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

(I) We declare that the acceptance of fixed deposits by the bans/Non-Banking Finance Company are at the terms uniformly applicable/offered to all shareholders/publicNA
(II) We declare that the scheduled commercial bank, as per RBI circular RBI/DBR/2015-16/19 dated March 03, 2016, has allowed additional interest of one per cent per annum, over and above the rate of interest mentioned in the schedule of interest rates on savings or a term deposits of bank�s staff and their exclusive associations as well as on deposits of Chairman, Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director or such other Executives appointed for a fixed tenure.NA
(III) Whether the company is a �high value debt listed entity� according to regulation 15 (1A)?No
(a) If answer to above question is Yes, whether complying with proviso to regulation 23 (9), i.e., submitting RPT disclosures on the day of results publication?
(b) If answer to above question is No, please explain the reason for not complying.

Related party transactions

Additional disclosure of related party transactions - applicable only in case the related party transaction relates to loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investments made or given by the listed entity/subsidiary. These details need to be disclosed only once, during the reporting period when such transaction was undertaken.
Sr No.Details of the party (listed entity /subsidiary) entering into the transactionDetails of the counterpartyType of related party transactionDetails of other related party transactionValue of the related party transaction as approved by the audit committeeRemarks on approval by audit committeeValue of transaction during the reporting periodIn case monies are due to either party as a result of the transactionIn case any financial indebtedness is incurred to make or give loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsDetails of the loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsNotes
NamePANNamePANRelationship of the counterparty with the listed entity or its subsidiaryOpening balanceClosing balanceNature of indebtedness (loan/ issuance of debt/ any other etc.)Details of other indebtednessCostTenureNature (loan/ advance/ intercorporate deposit/ investment )Interest Rate (%)TenureSecured/ unsecuredPurpose for which the funds will be utilised by the ultimate recipient of funds (endusage)
1Delta Corp LimitedHighstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiarySale of goods or services1Approved0.212961900Textual Information(1)
2Delta Corp LimitedDelta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiarySale of goods or services0.5Approved0.311294200Textual Information(2)
3Delta Corp LimitedHighstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionRent Paid0.9Approved0.34200Textual Information(3)
4Delta Corp LimitedDelta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionReimbusement of Expenses Paid3.7Approved1.800Textual Information(4)
5Delta Corp LimitedHighstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryPurchase of goods or services2Approved0.595234300Textual Information(5)
6Delta Corp LimitedDelta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryPurchase of goods or services1Approved0.043168300Textual Information(6)
7Delta Corp LimitedHighstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan Given0.5Approved700Inter-corporate deposit0Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(7)
8Delta Corp LimitedDelta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan Given300Approved5822.851676170.551676Inter-corporate deposit0Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(8)
9Delta Corp LimitedDeltin Hotel and Resorts Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan Given0.01Approved0.10.03781880.0478188Inter-corporate deposit0Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(9)
10Delta Corp LimitedCaravella Entertainment Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan Given0.5Approved023.51194923.511949Inter-corporate deposit0Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(10)
11Delta Corp LimitedMarvel Resorts Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan Given250Approved13.1569.2953582.19535Inter-corporate deposit0Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(11)
12Delta Corp LimitedGaussian Online Skill Gaming Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan Given0.5Approved0.00250.18216660.1846666Inter-corporate deposit0Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(12)
13Delta Corp LimitedDeltin Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan Given0.1Approved00.0250.025Inter-corporate deposit0Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(13)
14Delta Corp LimitedDelta Hospitality & Entertainment Mauritius LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan Given0.1Approved01.50559581.537147Inter-corporate deposit0Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(14)
15Caravella Entertainment Private LimitedDeltin Nepal Private LimitedSubsidiary CompanyAny other transactionLoan received back0NA066Textual Information(15)
16Delta Corp LimitedHighstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan received back0NA700Textual Information(16)
17Delta Corp LimitedDelta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan received back0NA10.300Textual Information(17)
18Delta Corp LimitedDeltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Wholly Owned SubsidiaryPurchase of goods or services0Approved8.638781511.33397911.3550262Textual Information(18)
19Delta Hospitality & Entertainment Mauritius LimitedDelta Hotels Lanka Private Limited Fellow SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan received back0NA0.821120.821120Inter-corporate deposit0.02Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(19)
20Delta Hospitality & Entertainment Mauritius LimitedDelta Offshore Developers LimitedFellow SubsidiaryAny other transactionRepayment of Other Payables0NA0.467627840.467627840Textual Information(20)
21Delta Hospitality & Entertainment Mauritius LimitedDelta Hotels Lanka Private Limited Fellow SubsidiaryAny other transactionInterest Received0NA0.0014010.088410Textual Information(21)
22Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedDelta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedFellow SubsidiarySale of goods or services0NA0.016157800Textual Information(22)
23Delta Corp LimitedJayem Properties Private LimitedEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionRent Paid0.012Approved0.00600Textual Information(23)
24Delta Corp LimitedAAA Holding Trust Enterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionRent Paid1.75Approved0.44651100Textual Information(24)
25Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedAAA Holding Trust Enterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionRent Paid0NA0.37567100Textual Information(25)
26Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedAnjali J Mody Trust Enterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionRent Paid0NA0.1800Textual Information(26)
27Delta Corp LimitedJaydev Mody Promoter /Chairman / DirectorAny other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0Approved0.0300Textual Information(27)
28Delta Corp LimitedAlpana ChinaiDirector Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0Approved0.0300Textual Information(28)
29Delta Corp LimitedRajesh Jaggi Director Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0Approved0.050.0090Textual Information(29)
30Delta Corp LimitedVrajesh Udani Director Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0Approved0.050.0090Textual Information(30)
31Delta Corp LimitedRavinder Kumar Jain Director Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0Approved0.050.0090Textual Information(31)
32Delta Corp LimitedChetan Desai Director Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0Approved0.050.0090Textual Information(32)
33Delta Corp LimitedAshish Kapadia Managing DirectorRemuneration0NA0.947268500Textual Information(33)
34Delta Corp LimitedHardik Dhebar Key management personnel of entity Remuneration0NA0.99979800Textual Information(34)
35Delta Corp LimitedDilip VaidyaKey management personnel of entity Remuneration0NA0.218704800Textual Information(35)
36Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedPratap Pandit Relative of Director / Promoter of ParentRemuneration0NA0.268290600Textual Information(36)
37Delta Corp LimitedAZB & PartnersEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionProfessional Fees paid3Approved0.69284710.06266340.157725Textual Information(37)
38Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedAZB & PartnersEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionProfessional Fees paid0NA0.326997200.027999Textual Information(38)
39Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)AZB & PartnersEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionProfessional Fees paid0NA0.987969500.7447426Textual Information(39)
40Delta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedGoan Football Club Private LimitedEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionLoan given0NA055Inter-corporate deposit0.12Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(40)
41Delta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedGoan Football Club Private LimitedEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Interest received0NA0.30081292.6306712.9314932Textual Information(41)
42Delta Corp LimitedAAA Holding Trust Enterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Purchase of goods or services0.35Approved0.032345600Textual Information(42)
43Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedAAA Holding Trust Enterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Purchase of goods or services0NA0.022907800Textual Information(43)
44Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedAnjali J Mody Trust Enterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Purchase of goods or services0NA0.241165900Textual Information(44)
45Delta Corp LimitedJosmo And So LLPEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Sale of goods or services0.05Approved0.01103400.0028002Textual Information(45)
46Delta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedWaterways Shipyard Private LimitedAssociate CompanyAny other transactionCapital Advance0NA41.5279918108.0646612149.592653Textual Information(46)
47Delta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedWaterways Shipyard Private LimitedAssociate CompanyAny other transactionLoan Given0NA06.686.68Inter-corporate deposit0.1Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(47)
48Delta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedWaterways Shipyard Private LimitedAssociate CompanyInterest received0NA0.47028490.47387880.7153846Textual Information(48)
49Delta Corp LimitedJ M Township and Real Estate Private LimitedEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionCapital Advance0NA02020Textual Information(49)
50Delta Corp LimitedForum for Sports and Freedom of ExpressionEnterprises over which KMP exercises significant influence Any other transactionCSR Paid2.25Approved0.300Textual Information(50)
51Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedDelta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedFellow SubsidiaryAny other transactionRent Income0NA0.9600Textual Information(51)
52Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedDelta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedFellow SubsidiaryAny other transactionReimbusement of Expenses Paid0NA0.300Textual Information(52)
53Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedDelta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedFellow SubsidiaryPurchase of goods or services0NA0.031057600Textual Information(53)
54Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Jaydev Mody Director Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0NA0.0200Textual Information(54)
55Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Ashish Kapadia Director Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0NA0.02500Textual Information(55)
56Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Hardik Dhebar Key management personnel of entity or parentAny other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0NA0.04500Textual Information(56)
57Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Chetan Desai Director Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0NA0.04500Textual Information(57)
58Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Tara Subramaniam Director Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0NA0.04500Textual Information(58)
59Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Pankaj Razdan Director Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0NA0.01500Textual Information(59)
60Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Javed TapiaDirector Any other transactionDirector Sitting Fees0NA0.0100Textual Information(60)
61Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Anannya GodboleKey management personnel of entity Remuneration0NA0.063829800Textual Information(61)
62Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Shivanandan PareKey management personnel of entity Remuneration0NA0.1002095700Textual Information(62)
63Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedAnkita ShirkeKey management personnel of entity Remuneration0NA0.02892300Textual Information(63)
64Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedAnil Malani Managing DirectorRemuneration0NA0.783027600Textual Information(64)
65Delta Corp LimitedSunil Nair Director of Subsidiary CompanyRemuneration0NA0.008672700Textual Information(65)
66Delta Corp LimitedManoj Jain Director of Subsidiary CompanyRemuneration0NA0.44746600Textual Information(66)
67Delta Corp LimitedFarzana Mojgani Director of Subsidiary CompanyRemuneration0NA0.377666400Textual Information(67)
68Delta Corp LimitedShailendra Kumar Singh Key management personnel of Subsidiary CompanyRemuneration0NA0.297154200Textual Information(68)
69Delta Corp LimitedSudarshan Kumar BajoriaDirector Subsidiary CompanyRemuneration0NA0.498883800Textual Information(69)
70Delta Corp LimitedAnil Malani Director of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionAllotment of Equity Shares against Employee Stock Option0NA0.77500Textual Information(70)
71Delta Corp LimitedManoj Jain Director of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionAllotment of Equity Shares against Employee Stock Option0NA0.3100Textual Information(71)
72Delta Corp LimitedHighstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses Paid0.35Approved0.1200Textual Information(72)
73Delta Corp LimitedHighstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedWholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionReimbursement of Expenses Received0.81Approved0.355448200Textual Information(73)
74Marvel Resorts Private LimitedArif Noorani Director of Fellow SubsidiaryRemuneration0NA0.4677300Textual Information(74)
75Delta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedAZB & PartnersEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionProfessional Fees paid0NA0.19971880.02340Textual Information(75)
76Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Goan Football Club Private LimitedEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionSponsership 0NA0.42500Textual Information(76)
77Delta Corp LimitedDeltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Wholly Owned SubsidiaryPurchase of fixed assets0.25Approved0.006230100Textual Information(77)
78Marvel Resorts Private LimitedJosmo And So LLPEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Purchase of fixed assets0NA0.12207010.14404260Textual Information(78)
79Marvel Resorts Private LimitedOblique Studio LLPEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionProfessional Fees paid0NA0.010.00180.0018Textual Information(79)
80Delta Corp LimitedJosmo And So LLPEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionCapital Advance0.5Approved0.018508500Textual Information(80)
81Delta Corp LimitedGoan Football Club Private LimitedEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionSponsership 5Approved2.52.52.436Textual Information(81)
82Delta Hospitality & Entertainment Mauritius LimitedDelta Hotels Lanka Private Limited Fellow SubsidiaryAny other transactionAdvance given Received back 0NA0.13093630.1481110.0171747Inter-corporate deposit0Repayable on demandUnsecured General Corporate PurposeTextual Information(82)
83Delta Corp LimitedDeltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Wholly Owned SubsidiarySale of goods or services0.1Approved0.076134800.0558407Textual Information(83)
84Delta Corp LimitedAshish Kapadia Managing DirectorAny other transactionShare Base Payment 0NA3.145500Textual Information(84)
85Delta Corp LimitedAnil Malani Director of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionESOP Perquisite Value 0NA0.42287500Textual Information(85)
86Delta Corp LimitedManoj Jain Director of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionESOP Perquisite Value 0NA0.1691500Textual Information(86)
87Delta Corp LimitedFarzana Mojgani Director of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionESOP Perquisite Value 0NA0.050638800Textual Information(87)
88Delta Corp LimitedShailendra Kumar Singh Key management personnel of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionESOP Perquisite Value 0NA0.1191500Textual Information(88)
89Delta Corp LimitedDeltin Amusement Park Private Limited Wholly Owned SubsidiaryAny other transactionLoan Given 0.1Approved0.0200.02Textual Information(89)
90Delta Corp LimitedThe Lotus Trust Enterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionSecurity Deposit Given1.4Approved01.41.4Textual Information(90)
91Delta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedHighstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedFellow SubsidiaryAny other transactionReimbusement of Expenses Paid0NA0.233151600Textual Information(91)
92Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedJosmo And So LLPEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Purchase of fixed assets0NA0.051783600Textual Information(92)
93Delta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedJosmo And So LLPEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Purchase of fixed assets0NA0.1229600Textual Information(93)
94Delta Pleasure Cruise Company Private LimitedJosmo And So LLPEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionCapital Advance0NA1.70051380.058731.7005138Textual Information(94)
95Marvel Resorts Private LimitedAZB & PartnersEnterprises over which KMP / Promoter exercises significant influence Any other transactionProfessional Fees paid0NA0.04309600Textual Information(95)
96Delta Corp LimitedShailendra Kumar Singh Key management personnel of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionAllotment of Equity Shares against Employee Stock Option0NA0.3600Textual Information(96)
97Delta Corp LimitedFarzana Mojgani Director of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionAllotment of Equity Shares against Employee Stock Option0NA0.0008500Textual Information(97)
98Delta Corp LimitedJaydev Mody Promoter /Chairman / DirectorDividend paid0NA0.03752500Textual Information(98)
99Delta Corp LimitedRajesh Jaggi Director Dividend paid0NA0.002062500Textual Information(99)
100Delta Corp LimitedVrajesh Udani Director Dividend paid0NA0.007500Textual Information(100)
101Delta Corp LimitedRavinder Kumar Jain Director Dividend paid0NA0.000100Textual Information(101)
102Delta Corp LimitedAshish Kapadia Managing DirectorDividend paid0NA0.040063500Textual Information(102)
103Delta Corp LimitedHardik Dhebar Key management personnel of entity Dividend paid0NA0.008935800Textual Information(103)
104Delta Corp LimitedDilip VaidyaKey management personnel of entity Dividend paid0NA0.000500100Textual Information(104)
105Delta Corp LimitedArif Noorani Director of Fellow SubsidiaryDividend paid0NA0.0037500Textual Information(105)
106Delta Corp LimitedSudarshan Kumar BajoriaDirector Subsidiary CompanyDividend paid0NA0.001537500Textual Information(106)
107Delta Corp LimitedAarti Pandit Family Private LimitedPromoter Dividend paid0NA3.674166300Textual Information(107)
108Delta Corp LimitedANJALI MODY FAMILY PRIVATE LIMITEDPromoter Dividend paid0NA3.674166300Textual Information(108)
109Delta Corp LimitedADITI MODY FAMILY PRIVATE LIMITEDPromoter Dividend paid0NA3.674166300Textual Information(109)
110Delta Corp LimitedFarzana Mojgani Director of Subsidiary CompanyDividend paid0NA0.00727500Textual Information(110)
111Delta Corp LimitedKALPANA SINGHANIAPromoter /Chairman / DirectorDividend paid0NA0.012505500Textual Information(111)
112Delta Corp LimitedAnil Malani Director of Subsidiary CompanyDividend paid0NA0.006969400Textual Information(112)
113Delta Corp LimitedJaved TapiaDirector of Subsidiary CompanyDividend paid0NA0.013057200Textual Information(113)
114Delta Corp LimitedHIGHLAND RESORTS LLPPromoter Dividend paid0NA0.02526500Textual Information(114)
115Delta Corp LimitedManoj Jain Director of Subsidiary CompanyDividend paid0NA0.0100Textual Information(115)
116Delta Corp LimitedAnannya GodboleKey management personnel of Subsidiary CompanyDividend paid0NA0.00437500Textual Information(116)
117Delta Corp LimitedShailendra Kumar Singh Key management personnel of Subsidiary CompanyDividend paid0NA0.002500Textual Information(117)
118Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Shivanandan PareKey management personnel of entity Any other transactionGrant of Employee Stock Options (Nos.)0NA0.071817800Textual Information(118)
119Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Farzana Mojgani Director of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionGrant of Employee Stock Options (Nos.)0NA0.009494900Textual Information(119)
120Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Hardik Dhebar Key management personnel of entity Any other transactionGrant of Employee Stock Options (Nos.)0NA0.054814400Textual Information(120)
121Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Manoj Jain Director of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionGrant of Employee Stock Options (Nos.)0NA0.035229200Textual Information(121)
122Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Anannya GodboleKey management personnel of entity Any other transactionGrant of Employee Stock Options (Nos.)0NA0.003265500Textual Information(122)
123Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Dilip VaidyaKey management personnel of holding companyAny other transactionGrant of Employee Stock Options (Nos.)0NA0.012559400Textual Information(123)
124Deltatech Gaming Limited (Formerly known as Gaussian Networks Private Limited)Shailendra Kumar Singh Key management personnel of Subsidiary CompanyAny other transactionGrant of Employee Stock Options (Nos.)0NA0.007661200Textual Information(124)
125Highstreet Cruises and Entertainment Private LimitedForum for Sports and Freedom of ExpressionEnterprises over which KMP exercises significant influence Any other transactionCSR Paid0NA0.1500Textual Information(125)
Total value of transaction during the reporting period185.02844651

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Value of related party transaction approved by audit committe is in USD. Approved limits - USD 0.10 Crores.

Delta Hospitality and Entertainment Mauritius Limited is a Foreign Company - PAN is not available

Textual Information(15)

Deltin Nepal Private Limited is a Foreign Company - PAN is not available.

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Delta Hospitality & Entertainment Mauritius Limited and Delta Hotels Lanka Private Limited are Foreign Companies - PAN is not available.

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(20)

Delta Offshore Developers Limited and Delta Hospitality & Entertainment Mauritius Limited are Foreign Companies - PAN is not available.

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(21)

Delta Hospitality & Entertainment Mauritius Limited and Delta Hotels Lanka Private Limited are Foreign Companies - PAN is not available.

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Rs. 1,00,000 for attending each Board Meeting during the FY - 2023-2024.

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Rs. 1,00,000 for attending each Board Meeting during the FY - 2023-2024.

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Rs. 1,00,000 for attending each Audit and  Board Meeting during the FY - 2023-2024.

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Rs. 1,00,000 for attending each Audit and  Board Meeting during the FY - 2023-2024.

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Rs. 1,00,000 for attending each Audit and  Board Meeting during the FY - 2023-2024.

Textual Information(32)

Rs. 1,00,000 for attending each Audit and  Board Meeting during the FY - 2023-2024.

Textual Information(33)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(34)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Mr. Hardik Dhebar, ceased to be CFO of  Delta Corp Limited  with effect from 16.08.2023.

Textual Information(35)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

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Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(79)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(80)
Textual Information(81)
Textual Information(82)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Since both are Foreign Cos PAN is not Applciable

Textual Information(83)
Textual Information(84)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(85)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(86)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(87)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(88)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(89)
Textual Information(90)
Textual Information(91)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(92)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(93)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(94)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(95)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(96)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(97)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(98)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(99)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(100)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(101)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(102)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(103)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Mr. Hardik Dhebar, ceased to be CFO of  Delta Corp Limited  with effect from 16.08.2023.

Textual Information(104)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(105)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(106)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(107)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(108)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(109)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(110)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(111)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(112)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(113)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(114)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(115)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(116)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(117)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(118)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(119)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(120)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(121)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(122)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(123)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(124)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.

Textual Information(125)

Value of the related party transaction as approved by the Audit Committee - This is not applicable.