Corporate Governance |
Delta Corp Limited is committed to observing recommended corporate governance practices. We continuously review various investor relationships with a view to enhance stakeholders' value, and regularly provide detailed information on various issues concerning our business and financial performance. Our Company is in compliance with the corporate governance guidelines imposed by the SEBI, the BSE and NSE and other regulatory authorities in India.
Corporate governance is administered through our Board of Directors and the committees of the Board, particularly, the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Shareholder’s Grievance Committee. However, the primary responsibility for upholding the standards of corporate governance and providing necessary disclosures within the framework of legal provisions and institutional conventions with the commitment to enhance shareholders’ value vests with our Board of Directors.
The Company has a legacy of fair, transparent and ethical governance practices. The Company’s philosophy on corporate governance oversees business strategies and ensures fiscal accountability, ethical corporate behavior and fairness to all stakeholders comprising regulators, employees, customers, vendors, investors and the society at large.
The Company has constituted Board Committees to deal with specific areas and activities which concern the Company and requires a closer review. The Board Committees are formed with approval of the Board and function under their respective Charters. These committees play an important role in the overall management of day-to-day affairs and governance of the Company. The Board Committees meet at regular intervals and take necessary steps to perform its duties entrusted by the Board. The minutes of the committee meetings are placed before the Board for noting.